Date: Dec. 19, 2015

Author: Nelson Morais

Christmas is almost here. We tell ourselves it’s not about the presents, yet we want to, and sometimes feel obligated to, give gifts to others. In recent years, I’ve not been able to afford presents or even Christmas cards because my monthly debts are larger than my wages. I’m not complaining; I’m just stating a fact. And I am working to remedy that situation.

I have a lot to be thankful for: a job, a vehicle, a beautiful house, a great roommate, and many dear “brothers and sisters” in the family of God. Most of all, of course, is the privilege to have a personal relationship with Christ. I heard pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie say on the radio the other day that how big we think God is affects how we face challenges in our life. The bigger the God, the smaller the problems seem to be. I’ll be frank and make a confession: I need to realize God is much bigger than I currently think He is.

My biological family lives far away, in Mississippi, Colorado, and California, so I don’t see them on holidays. However, I am so fortunate to have dear friends here in northeast Tennessee who invite me into their homes and lives at Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and, actually, throughout the year.

We celebrate at Christmas the birth of Jesus Christ, who lived to die on a cross 2,000 years to take away the punishment of our sins. He suffered unbelievable pain for us so that we may receive His gift of salvation. Have  you surrendered your life to Jesus, who is seated at the right hand of Almighty God, and also wants to reside in your heart? And if you are saved, are you looking to Jesus for fulfillment? I hope so.

I wish you, dear reader, a joyful Christmas with family and friends. Most of all, I wish you to be filled with the Spirit of God, that you may find complete peace in Jesus Christ.